Victoria Fontan in the News

The Connexion, Oct 16, 2021: Professor at Kabul's American university relieved to be back in France

CBS News, Sept 21, 2021: Almost 150 from the American University of Afghanistan were evacuated, but thousands still want to leave

COIN, resilience, and a new approach to conflict
Interview with Victoria Fontan in STRIFE
Liberal Peacebuilding as Zombie: Workaround Strategies
Article by Sara Cobb in Unrest Magazine

How to order

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A translation into Spanish (Descolonizacion de la paz) has been published by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, ISBN:  978-9588347929.



"Victoria Fontan is an emissary of the peace to come, and her work is one of the most meaningful contributions to peace studies I know of. If you haven't been lucky enough to be her student, you have the chance now to read this book. I wish every peaceworker the opportunity to nourish their work, and improve our world, by reading it."
-Oliver Rizzi Carlson - Newsletter Editor, Global Campaign for Peace Education

"This is a thought provoking study, which through a blend of theory, activism, and detailed empiricism, exposes a paradox at the heart of peace thinking: the tension between colonial and universalist epistemology and liberation or self determination. It is a much needed contribution."

-Prof. Oliver Richmond - Univ. of Manchester Author of "The Transformation of Peace" (2007)

"A key book to rethink the peacebuilding sector and its risk to be part of neo-colonial policies. A milestone for scholars and practitioners in the field."

- Dr. Bernardo Venturi - University of Bologna